Music Vision

Our School Aims perfectly capture our Vision for Music.

Achieve beyond expectations –

 Every term, pupils build up to producing a piece of Music Portfolio work that is, where possible, of a standard higher than that at which they would regularly work. Every academic year, singers are entered into ABRSM examinations, the standards of which are beyond those expected of the Primary National Curriculum.

Be proud of our community, our school, our achievements and our peers –

Music is celebrated with pride in Friday Celebration Assemblies, when Music Graduates are regularly rewarded. Children’s music homework is rewarded with golden stickers, which are displayed with pride. Children’s musical performances are celebrated proudly in front of audiences and on the website throughout the year.

Compete, with the belief that we have every chance of success –

Our annual X Factor and Swinemoor’s Got Talent competitions give children to compete musically. University Challenge, on the final week of the school year, includes Music Graduates who compete for a trophy.

Develop a culture where we take appropriate risk, understanding this is how people learn, grow and achieve things they thought were too difficult –

ABRSM examinations provide challenge in front of an unknown adjudicator. Solo and small group singing regularly exposes pupils to the risk of performing under pressure.

Enable people to work together, in order to achieve more than we could on our own –

Music lessons regularly include paired and group work. The school Choirs necessarily have to work together to produce their performances; as do the trumpet players, who play as a group.

Further information

The curriculum is designed with our pupils and the Swinemoor community in mind.
‘It enables children to access and enhance their understanding of their home, their town and the wider community, developing their cultural capital and giving them opportunities and choices about their future and their impact as they progress through their school career and beyond.
This will help them become successful members of modern British society, preparing them for the challenges and opportunities.’
“The respect both pupils and staff have for one another shows all around the school. It’s a very happy place to be.”
What We Like - Parent feedback
“I love the fact that the children and staff love being there and are so proud of their school.”
What We Like - Parent feedback
“I am impressed with the teaching at this school and pushing the kids into doing work they are capable of.”
What We Like - Parent feedback
“I like everything about the school. My child has made excellent progress.”
What We Like - Parent feedback
“We like the fact that the children’s work/plays are able to be seen on the website and I think the teacher’s end of term videos are a great addition.”
What We Like - Parent feedback
“Always giving our children a challenge. Always pushing them harder, not taking satisfactory, but aiming high!.”
What We Like - Parent feedback
“All of the shows/ performances are so professional and we feel welcomed coming into school. I think the school instills confidence and high self esteem in pupils.”
What We Like - Parent feedback
“My daughter likes Swinemoor because she says ‘everyone is friendly’. I like it because all children are included and have the confidence to compete and challenge anyone.”
What We Like - Parent feedback
“Since starting Swinemoor my son has come on in leaps and bounds and in just a short time. I am looking forward to the further progress.”
What We Like - Parent feedback
“Strong headteacher. Caring and intelligent teachers. Good curriculum. Good discipline.”
What We Like - Parent feedback
” It’s a really good school with high standards and high achievers.”
What We Like - Parent feedback
“We really enjoy all the school performances that parents are invited to.”
What We Like - Parent feedback
“The school is very clean and staff well dressed. Its nice when visiting to see all the work on display and to hear the excellent comments from the kids about their day.”
What We Like - Parent feedback
“That each child’s needs are met, a great understanding (SEN)”
What We Like - Parent feedback
“How the children progress and where necessary they are given help to achieve that progress.”
What We Like - Parent feedback
“Very happy with everything the school does. Loved the Christmas plays – both of them.”
What We Like - Parent feedback
“That the children are very proud of their work and teachers make sure they are rewarded.”
What We Like - Parent feedback
“My daughter is making fantastic progress. The two performances I have seen have been excellent (Harvest and Christmas).”
What We Like - Parent feedback
“The enthusiasm of the staff and the fact my child has been encouraged to learn whilst being allowed to progress at his own speed.”
What We Like - Parent feedback
“Progress of the children and if and when necessary they are given extra help.”
What We Like - Parent feedback
“Competitions that occur each half term.”
What We Like - Parent feedback
“The fact they have a very modern approach to their teaching and the headmaster is very much involved and isn’t scared to get his hands dirty and interacts very well with all the staff and children.”
What We Like - Parent feedback
“Teaching staff in Y 5/6 who really challenge the children and move them forward.”
What We Like - Parent feedback
“Staff are welcoming and willing to help/listen. Child always seems happy.”
What We Like - Parent feedback
” It’s a really good school with high achievers and high standards from the pupils. Very helpful if I’ve had a problem.”
What We Like - Parent feedback
“The way that my child has improved 100% from last school.”
What We Like - Parent feedback
“Keep encouraging sport such as football and netball..”
What We Like - Parent feedback