Computing – Using Technology

Subject Key Objective Progression & Development by Year Groups

The following is a guide to help you understand your child’s progression through school.

All lessons are differentiated. This means teachers plan activities that enable the objective to be learned by all children including those who will find the objective challenging, those children who with hard work will secure good progress and those children who can tackle extra stretch and challenge in this subject.

Computing – Primary Curriculum

Computing – Foundation stage:

Children can identify key components of a PC and can save their work on a word document.

Computing – Year 1:

Children can use a camera to record and save images.

Click here for examples:


Computing – Year 2:

Children can use a range of equipment to record and store information digitally, such as cameras, light sensors and digital thermometers.

Click here for examples:

Computing – Year 3:

Children can download images and information from a variety of sources, including cameras and the internet, and use them to create new content.

Computing – Year 4:

Children confidently and independently download images and information from a variety of sources, including cameras and the internet, and use them to create and store new content.

Computing – Year 5:

Children use editing software to develop and edit their digital content and media with increasing confidence and are able to upload resources to websites.

Click here for examples:

Computing – Year 6:

Children use a variety of equipment and software to create films and media, understanding the importance of personal safety. They are able to create QR codes, and upload their content to a variety of sources including websites.

Click here for examples:

Computing – Mastery:

Children are able to use a variety of software and equipment safely. They are able to create QR codes for different purposes, and are able to upload their content to a variety of sources including websites and other hardware devices confidently and independently.

Click here for examples: