P.E. – Invasion games

Intent, Implementation and Impact

Subject Key Objective Progression & Development by Year Groups

The following is a guide to help you understand your child’s progression through school.

All lessons are differentiated. This means teachers plan activities that enable the objective to be learned by all children including those who will find the objective challenging, those children who with hard work will secure good progress and those children who can tackle extra stretch and challenge in this subject.

Intent, Implementation and Impact

The curriculum is designed with our pupils and the Swinemoor community in mind.

It enables children to access and enhance their understanding of their home, their town and the wider community, developing their cultural capital and giving them opportunities and choices about their future and their impact as they progress through their school career and beyond.

This will help them become successful members of modern British society, preparing them for the challenges and opportunities.

  • Intent

P.E. – Invasion games

  • Curriculum lead: Mr Williams

  • Curriculum Statements

EYFS: “‘To negotiate space successfully when playing racing and chasing games with other children, adjusting speed or changing direction to avoid obstacles.”

KS1: “To participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending.”

KS2: “To play competitive games and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending.”

  • Related Vocabulary

Run (T1)
Skip (T1)
Stop (T1)

Position (T1)
Control (T2)
Method (T2)

Technique (T2)
Agility (T3)
Cogitate (T3)

  • Cultural Capital

Children will learn a variety of skills. They will be able to understand the mutual respect needed to compete in a sporting competition.

This will be evident through the way they conduct themselves when they compete. They will be tolerant of the different faiths and beliefs that contribute to team competitions locally, nationally and internationally.

The children will understand that they are to be compliant with the rules of a game and that we live in a democratic society where both men and women can play mixed sports.

  • School aims

  • Achieve beyond expectations
  • Be proud of our community, our school, our achievements and our peers
  • Compete, with the belief that we have every chance of success
  • Develop a culture where we take appropriate risk
  • Enable people to work together, in order to achieve more than we could on our own
  • British Values

  • Democracy

  • Rule of law

  • Individual liberty

  • Mutual respect

  • Tolerance of different faiths & beliefs

  • Implementation

What will be made, produced, performed, or published?

The children will demonstrate what they have learned to their peers. They will also use their knowledge attained from PE lessons in sporting activities, such as: Sports Day and inter school competitions.

A piece of portfolio work will be completed in the summer term which will showcase the progress that the children have made in the school’s athletics competition.

  • Sequencing

  • EYFS: Children will participate in very simple group games developing very simple tactics for attacking and defending.

  • Year 1: Children will participate in simple team games developing simple tactics for attacking and defending.

  • Year 2: Children will participate in a wide variety of team games further developing tactics for attacking and defending.

  • Year 3: Children will participate in competition games, applying some basic principles suitable for attacking and defending.
  • Year 4: Children will participate in a wide variety of competitive games, applying and practising basic principles suitable for attacking and defending.
  • Year 5: Children will participate in a wide variety of competitive games, applying principles suitable for attacking and defending with increasing confidence.

  • Year 6: Children will participate in a wide variety of competitive games, attacking and defending with confidence and using appropriate technique.

  • Mastery: Children will participate in a wide variety of competitive games, attacking a defending confidently, using more complex techniques.

  • Impact

What knowledge will the children have embedded?

Children will know how to confidently and consistently use a range of techniques such as: throwing and catching, in order to participate in a game. They will be able to use space and movement to prevent the opposition from gaining control of a game. They will know the correct sporting vocabulary depending on the activity.

What retention may be demonstrated?

Here are some example questions that may be used to assess children’s understanding.

EYFS: What is a sensible and safe way to throw and catch a ball?

KS1: Can you throw and catch and stay in your position? How could you improve your control and technique?

KS2: Why is movement and space important in games when attacking and defending? Why is communication essential when competing?

P.E. Invasion Games – Subject Key Objectives by Year Groups

P.E. Invasion games – Foundation stage:

Children will participate in very simple group games developing very simple tactics for attacking and defending.

P.E. Invasion games
– Year 1:
Children will participate in simple team games developing simple tactics for attacking and defending.

Invasion gamesYear 2:
Children will participate in a wide variety of team games further developing tactics for attacking and defending.

Invasion gamesYear 3:
Children will participate in competition games, applying some basic principles suitable for attacking and defending.

Invasion gamesYear 4:
Children will participate in a wide variety of competitive games, applying and practising basic principles suitable for attacking and defending.

Invasion gamesYear 5:
Children will participate in a wide variety of competitive games, applying principles suitable for attacking and defending with increasing confidence.

Invasion gamesYear 6:
Children will participate in a wide variety of competitive games, attacking and defending with confidence and using appropriate technique.

Invasion games – Mastery:
Children will participate in a wide variety of competitive games, attacking a defending confidently, using more complex techniques.

This collection of short films and resources will help you understand your child’s progression through school.

The curriculum film resource has been broken down by subject area initially and then by topic area.

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