Mondrian by KS1

In KS1, the children have been learning about the work of Piet Mondrian. They have been using primary colours: red, yellow and blue.

Jubilee Portrait

A few weeks ago some year six girls undertook a memorable project to mark this Jubilee year. After several weeks of hard work. Between them they created an outstanding portraiture of Queen Elizabeth II. [...]

University Challenge 2021

Children from Y5/6 have studied hard throughout the year to earn a place in our annual University Challenge competition. Almost every pupil passed at least one Graduate Award (with many gaining ten or even [...]

34M Stars Wars

In Year 34 we have based our sculptures around stories. We used stags’ heads as the base for recreating the iconic features of our heroes, villains and overseers. In 34M we chose to look [...]

12J Stop Motion

As part of a Design and Technology project the children created a moving toy based on part of the Rapunzel story. A few of the finished toys were used to make a short stop [...]

Swinemoor News #112

This week our pupils report on the Conservative Party Conference, Beverley Food Festival and showcase some of Year 3/4's Roman soldier letters home. We also mention our amazing Harvest Festival celebrations and give you the [...]

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