Foundation Stage – Autumn Curriculum

The Curriculum Termly Plan gives details of the areas of study and topics to be covered for each of the areas of learning through the year.

ENGLISHTermly Subject Overview

We shall be studying the Early Years Curriculum in speaking and listening, reading and writing. The children will continue to work on the development of a fluent, cursive writing style.
We will be beginning to develop our understanding of phonics and the links between letters and the sounds they make. We will begin looking at Phase 2 phonics, see link below.
We will be thinking about our heroes, both real and imagined. Our written work will be based on labels and captions of heroes in our homes, our country and our imagination.

MATHSTermly Subject Overview

We shall be studying the Early Years Curriculum in Maths. We will be developing our knowledge of numbers to 20 including ordering, counting and writing numbers. We will be looking at shape, in particular naming and describing 2D shapes as well as exploring how to measure the world around us through capacity, length, time and weight.


We will be exploring various seasonal changes as they occur as well as looking at materials and their properties through investigative play and construction. The outdoor area will be used to further develop understanding of building and exploring, as well as observing a range of natural and manmade objects. In computing we will be familiarising ourselves with the computing suite and using simple resources to create simple animations linked to our topic.

THE ARTSTermly Subject Overview

Using a range of malleable materials the children will begin to explore sculpture through the creation of models of their families and heroes. The children will work towards creating a short stop-motion film about their family life through the use of digital media equipment, including the green screen.


The children will explore a range of gymnastic movements attributing some to music. They will also work on learning to express their emotions through a range of choreographed sequences.

RE /PSEDTermly Subject Overview

Throughout this term, the children will be learning about the festival of Harvest, culminating in our annual celebration assembly. After half term the children will be reflecting on the true meaning of Christmas, learning about the nativity story and performing our nativity play.

TERMLY COMPETITIONSTermly Subject Overview

This half term will see the return of the X factor competition as well as a competition testing the textile skills learned in Design and Technology! Links to all our competition and performances can be found on the school website.